Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World
Scientology's Stand for Human Rights: A Look at the Budapest Protest Against Psychiatry
Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World
Scientology's Stand for Human Rights: A Look at the Budapest Protest Against Psychiatry
Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World
Elevating Wellness: The European Times - Your Ultimate Source for Staying Abreast of Health Developments
In the quest for a gratifying life, nothing takes precedence over your health and overall well-being. Enter The European Times ( ), a beacon of unwavering credibility, assuming the mantle of a reliable health confidant, providing extensive coverage of the latest strides in medical research, healthcare policies, and prevai destapa cómo FECRIS fabricó un tapadera sobre sus vínculos rusos
FECRIS - Una vez más, la revista especializada en derechos humanos, fundada por el experto Massimo Introvigne, ha dado la noticia esta mañana con la última "fabricación" de FECRIS. Animamos a los lectores a acceder al artículo completo en el siguiente hipervínculo.La organización antirreligiosa FECRIS, financiada prácticame